Sunday, January 24, 2010


For me art is like wind, we can't see it but can feel it within us. some times so transperent like mother and child relationship, some times opace like truth. Art is nature, and nature is art. and my life is a art, because i am also a part of nature. it very difficult to understand art, untill u relise humanity in u, because every humanbeing is a artist in his/her own way. I think i have to learn more about art, bcoz dis is not enough! dere is a long journey in search of art!!!!!!!


  1. gr8 understndin re...... :) a short one bt very sweet... keep goin man... :)

  2. thanx dude! u should also add in dis, so we can have better understanding on dis!

  3. very true art, feeling art, understanding art...a long long...journey....
